TMA4275 Lifetime analysis
Introduction to the course
Time axis, censoring and truncation
Survival function and hazard rate
Counting processes
Modelling of event history data
Discrete time martingales
Discrete time martingale
Variation processes
Stopping times and transformations
Doob decomposition
Continuous time martingales
Stochastic integrals
Doob-Meyer decomposition
Poisson process
Counting processes
Stochastic integrals for counting process martingales
The Nelson-Aalen estimator
Nelson-Aalen estimator
Handling of ties for the Nelson-Aalen estimator
Gaussian martingales and martingale convergence theorem
Large sample properties for the Nelson-Aalen estimator
The Kaplan-Meier estimator
Kaplan-Meier estimator
Large sample properties for the Kaplan-Meier estimator
Handling of ties for the Kaplan-Meier estimator
Estimation of median and mean survival times
Non-parametric tests
Kaplan-Meier for a Markov chain
Kaplan-Meier for a Markov chain: The general case
Competing risks
Illness-death model
Relative risk regression
Regression models and relative risk regression
Partial likelihood for relative risk regression
Large scale properties of betahat
Estimation of cumulative hazard and survival probabilities
Stratified relative risk model
Model checking in Cox regression
Additive regression models
Vector-valued counting processes, martingales and stochastic integrals
Estimation in the additive hazard model
Martingales tests for additive regression models
Parametric counting processes
Parametric counting process models: In introduction
Likelihood for censored survival times
Likelihood for counting process models
Maximum likelihood estimator and related tests
Parametric regression models
Frailty models
The odd effects of frailty
Multivariate frailty models
Shared frailty models
Empirical Bayes estimate of individual frailty
TMA4275 Lifetime analysis
Continuous time martingales
Doob-Meyer decomposition
Problem: Properties of a counting process (Exam 2021)
Hints: Properties of a counting process (Exam 2021)
Hints: Properties of a counting process (Exam 2021)
Hints under construction.